Construction Update – Mulgrave Street Intersection (October 2024)
Wellington City Council are currently undertaking day works at the Mulgrave St intersection and the area from Wattyl Paints to Carpet Court. Night works are also underway in the area from Davis St to the Sebel Hotel.
Day works are scheduled to begin in November on the Tinakori Rd intersection after a new traffic management plan is approved.
On their website you can now find monthly updates on where they are working on Thorndon Quay, and when work will begin in other areas.

Here’s a copy of the notice pasted on the wall of the bus shelter at Bus Stop #5114. The removal of this Stop is part of the Thorndon Transitional Cycleway Project.
Another example of bicycles given priority over public transport.
( Yes, that is an empty bike lane in the way. It is unused most of the time, but pedestrians and potential bus passengers pass it regularly )
Tinakori Rd / Thorndon Quay / Hutt Rd intersection works (October 2024)
As part of the Thorndon Quay project, the Council are signalising the Tinakori Rd / Thorndon Quay / Hutt Rd intersection.
Downer, the construction contractor, had initially proposed a partial closure of this intersection for the duration of the works. This triggered a review, given the impact it would have on residents and schools along the detour route.
Council’s traffic management team is working closely with Downer to identify an alternative traffic management plan with lower impact.
Work will not commence on the intersection until a new traffic management plan has been agreed, and all affected stakeholders have been provided with at least 7 days’ notice of the new plan.
Once begun, they expect this work to take between 16 to 24 weeks depending on the ground conditions and weather.
Council and mana whenua have worked to bring the cultural narrative of the area to life for all who walk down Thorndon Quay. Recognising the awa that once flowed beneath Thorndon Quay is an example of how our urban design can connect us better with nature and provide a sense of history and place.
Works are currently on schedule and on track to be completed by June 2025. Thorndon Quay construction update
Click this link to read more:
The Thorndon Quay upgrade stretches from the Bunny St intersection to 87 Hutt Road (near Gun City). The Wellington City Council is working in sections so it will be less disruptive for businesses and traffic. They will finish in June 2025. The map below shows how the route has been divided into 13 areas.
Click this link to read more:
Post Newspaper article by Julie Jacobson: Traffic light crossing bonanza raises hackles – July 3rd 2024

The Thorndon Quay upgrade stretches from the Bunny St intersection to 87 Hutt Road (near Gun City). The Wellington City Council is working in sections so it will be less disruptive for businesses and traffic. They will finish in June 2025. The map below shows how the route has been divided into 13 areas.
Click this link to read more:
Post Newspaper article by Julie Jacobson: Traffic light crossing bonanza raises hackles – July 3rd 2024

Early in April 2023 the Association publicly requested information in XLSX or CSV format concerning submissions on the Thorndon Connections project. WCC failed to supply all the data because it claimed insufficient time to check if anything needed to be redacted e.g. potentially concealed personal information. The delays denied the Association opportunities to comprehensively analyse the data before hearings were convened by WCC and before WCC’s Regulatory Processes Committee took its decisions.
Here is a link to the Ombudsman’s response (7 June 2024) re the complaint against Wellington City Council:
If the Association seeks information quickly from WCC in future, the Ombudsman suggests the Association specifies in its initial request that it be dealt with by WCC urgently and that the Association provides the reasons for this using section 10(3) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.
Alert from WCC – Changes in Tinakori Rd and Glenmore St (May 2024)
The City Design Team has decided to change the Tinakori Rd/Bowen St bus stop and install a more permanent design. Their objectives include improving traffic flow given its proximity to the Bowen St intersection, and improving bus alighting experiences for users.
Works on changes to Glenmore St per the Karori Connections project are anticipated to commence in a few months.
Judicial Review (April 2024)
Foodstuffs North Island applied for judicial review of the Wellington City Council’s decision to install cycleways on the sides of Molesworth Street and Murphy Street, immediately adjacent to the Thorndon New World supermarket’s main vehicular access points.
They were unsuccessful in changing WCC’s proposals.
The judgement was released 30 April 2024:
WCC website page for the Thorndon Connections project live:
Detailed design plans released 6 March 2023:
WADESTOWN CONNECTIONS PROJECT: These changes will make it safer and easier for everyone travelling up Wadestown Road. People driving won’t have to cross the centre line to get past parked cars or get stuck behind people biking uphill. Work to install street changes for part one of Wadestown Connections will be starting later in February 2024.
WCC website page for the Wadestown Connections project:
KARORI CONNECTIONS PROJECT: This proposal to ‘rebalance’ city streets continues on from the changes in Tinakori Rd. The Association has submitted on concerns about potential impacts for access to the destination landmark that is the Wellington Botanic Garden, and raises other matters about process and consultation, impacts on access to residential property, etc.
WCC website page for the Karori Connections project:
TRA Submission 2 April 2023: TRA Submission on WCC Traffic Resolution 63-23 – Thorndon Connections Project
List of comments resulting from Public Consultation on Proposals – released 4 April 2023:
All comments in submissions in favour, and all submissions opposed to the Thorndon Connections cycleways
Sourced from all the digital submissions facilitated by the Thorndon Community Group (these do not include comments from the paper submissions also facilitated by that Group) from 6 March 2023. The TRA is affiliated to the Thorndon Community Group to assist with information dissemination.
TRA speaker notes and slides for the Hearing with WCC’s Regulatory Processes Committee – 24 April 2023.
Recording of Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee – 24 April 2023: (TRA commences at this time mark 6:50:00 )
TRA Submission 8 October 2023: TRA submission on traffic resolution TR147-23 Karori Connections
TRA Presentation 10 November 2023 to a Public Hearing by WCC’s Regulatory Processes Committee.
Note: There was barely a quorum with only 50% of the Committee Members present i.e. that’s only 25% of the Council.
WCC’s recording of the TRA rep published on YouTube:
3 November 2022 – The initial WCC website page was published for the Thorndon Connections project.
Detailed design plans were missing. Throughout the next four months any detailed design drawings were not published on the webpage. This constrained local awareness of the scope of potential street changes, and curbed formal consideration of any views and preferences by persons likely to be affected at this stage. Requests for formal, structured consultation with transport designers were expressly declined. This is likely to have impacted the extent to which different options were identified, and assessed, during the DISCOVERY phase; 3 November 2022 – 5 March 2023.
4 November 2022 – TRA representatives met with WCC officers & recommended in-depth public consultation on design details. Designs were about ~30% done. Comprehensive Minutes, Notes and Comments from the meeting:
19 December 2022 – TRA representatives introduced by WCC to an independent consultant to discuss public consultation options.
16 January 2023 – WCC officers declined any workshops on street layout design details with designers. A Focus Group option discussed, conditional on it being convened early in February.
3 February 2023 – versions of detailed plans from Dec ‘22 delivered to the TRA per official information request.
7 February 2023 – WCC convened Focus Group to raise concerns and aspirations.
7 February 2023 – Accident Maps – Cyclist and Pedestrian accidents. Click the images below to view full-page maps.
27 February 2023 – who WCC communicated with about street layout changes.
Letter: Who WCC Communicated with re-street layout changes
2 March 2023 – Chief Planning Officer confirms that WCC will be accepting submissions up to April 3
6 March to 3 April 2023 – Public consultation on proposals (preparation for Traffic Resolution).
7 March 2023 – Drop-in session 11am-1pm in the foyer of Rutherford House, Victoria University on Bunny St.
9 March 2023 – Thorndon Connections webinar.
TRA Questions, WCC answers, notes and observations:
12 March 2023 – Thorndon Community Group information sheet with a simplified individual submission form (submissions deadline was extended to 3 April)
14 March 2023 –
6:30am blessing of the Botanic Garden to Waterfront route
7-9am under the sails at Queens Wharf, as part of Go By Bike Day breakfast
15 March 2023 – Street meeting in Kate Sheppard Place (Backbencher)
15 March 2023 – Who WAS NOT consulted? This WCC letter lists the Thorndon Residents stakeholders not consulted
Golly it’s annoying to read disingenuous statements like this (source):
“We’ve worked with technical experts and met with key stakeholders, schools and businesses in this area to help inform the proposed changes”
The WCC letter linked to above evidenced that in Thorndon the WCC consulted no schools and just one business!
16 March 2023 – Kate Sheppard Apartments Body Corporate reps and TRA reps met with WCC’s Transitional Cycleways team and Transport Planner from WSP
21 March 2023 – Drop-in session 4.30-6.30pm at the Backbencher Bar in the back, 34 Molesworth St.
2 April 2023 – TRA Submission on WCC Traffic Resolution 63-23 – Thorndon Connections Project
3 April 2023 – extended submission deadline.
The Thorndon Community Group facilitated 1276 submissions to WCC. 997 (78%) strongly opposed the proposal, 203 (16%) strongly supported, others 76 (6%). 91 requested an opportunity to make an oral submission to the Reg Committee.
4 April 2023 – List of comments resulting from Public Consultation on Proposals –
All comments in submissions in favour, and all submissions opposed to the Thorndon Connections cycleways
Sourced from all the digital submissions facilitated by the Thorndon Community Group (these do not include comments from the paper submissions also facilitated by that Group) from 6 March 2023. The TRA is affiliated to the Thorndon Community Group to assist with information dissemination.
20 April, 21 April, 24 April – Thorndon and Kilbirnie Connections submitter hearings by WCC’s Regulatory Processes Committee
TRA slides and speaker notes. NB insufficient time to speak to all slides during submission.
4 May 2023 – officers’ report and recommendations on the Traffic Resolution published.
– The Agenda
– Thorndon reports:
7 May 2023 –
TRA’s review of WCC’s Report for the Regulatory Processes Committee:
10 May 2023 – TRA email to Committee Members:
11 May 2023 – WCC’s Regulatory Processes Committee considers Traffic Resolution.
Recording of the Meeting:
19 October 2023 – Works starting on Thorndon Quay and 1 to 87 Hutt Road
30 April 2024 – Judicial Review between Foodstuffs North Island and Wellington City Council:
30 September 2024 – Works begin on Murphy/Mulgrave/Molesworth streets.
Archived Documents
Association’s Review of detailed design plans:
(completed working document)
* these are now the superseded plans/resources
Wellington City Council Update 8 February 2024

Update 14 December 2023

Update 11 April 2023

ALERT 1 February 2023
This notice is for residents/citizens of Thorndon/Pipitea who need to visit the Wellington Regional Hospital (Riddiford St, Newtown) or the Wellington Accident & Urgent Medical Centre situated in Adelaide Rd (also known as the After Hours Medical Centre). The Centre also has an after hours pharmacy.

There is presently only limited car parking available at the Accident and Urgent Medical Centre, as illustrated in the photo above. The dearth of further parking along both sides of Adelaide Rd arises from their removal in December 2022 to make space for dedicated lanes for bicycles and buses.
Kent and Cambridge terraces are roads along the route typically navigated from Thorndon to these important facilities.
Update 31 January 2023

Update 18 January 2023
Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to city
To find out why the WCC proposed the changes – impacts, location, etc, click the link below:
Below is a selection of photographs showing congestion, safety, terrain, construction & maintenance issues.
Click the link below to view the full album and also to view explanations/comments of each photo.

5 July 22 – Proposal is promulgated and submissions invited. There has been a letter box drop in the affected area, an advertisement in the newspaper and some social media notifications.
19 July 22 – Community gathering to enable face to face contact and questioning with WCC Project Team
UPDATE – The community meeting was well supported. CLICK HERE to view the slide stack that the officers used.
26 July 22 – Submissions close. Submissions can be on-line, following an online questionnaire format (with facility for additional comments) or the questionnaire can be downloaded and printed/posted, or your submission can be free format and sent in by email to .
UPDATE – CLICK HERE to view the TRA Submission.
More information is on WCC’s website:
When submitting on the Traffic Resolution you need to indicate if you wish to make an oral presentation. Consider this important opportunity to highlight key aspects of your submission.
2 August 22 – Oral hearings. These are likely to be five-minute time slots with visual presentations allowed.
11 August 22 – Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee of the Council to approve the cycle way provisions.

Progress update for Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to city route
25 November 2022
Pedestrian upgrades in place at The Terrace/Bowen Street intersection
A new pedestrian crossing is now live at the intersection of The Terrace and Bowen Street, meaning people can now cross on both sides of this intersection. This improvement for people walking is part of the central city pedestrian improvement work being led by Let’s Get Wellington Moving.
New bus stop platform due to be installed next week
A new bus stop platform (like the ones outside the hospital on Riddiford Street) will be installed next week on Tinakori Road opposite St Mary Street. Depending on the weather, this should take about one week to install.
At these bus stop platforms, bus users have the right of way. Everyone should check for bikes and take extra care. People on bikes should slow down and stop for people getting on and off buses.
The bus will stop within the traffic lane, so vehicles will need to wait behind a bus when it’s picking up or dropping off passengers. In-lane bus stops like these help improve the bus service efficiency.
To find out more about these platforms, you can watch the webinar below. We hosted this webinar in June 2022 to give people an opportunity to learn more about the new bus stop platforms being installed around Wellington, and ask any questions.
Work still underway at Tinakori Road/Bowen Street intersection
Our contractors are also working on intersection improvements for Bowen Street and Tinakori Road. This work includes creating the new slip lane to make it safer for people to bike around the corner without getting into conflict with people on bikes, and installing tactile pavers at the crossing points for people walking. We expect this intersection work to be finished in about three weeks.
Separated lanes starting to be installed
As part of providing a connected route for people to ride to and from the city, separators are now starting to be installed from this intersection up to the entrance of the Botanic Garden ki Paekākā. To complete the fully separated uphill route for people riding from the city, separators will also be installed up Bowen Street prior to Christmas.
Our team will be delivering reminders of these changes to cars parking along the route, as the existing car parks will be removed as this work is done.
Mural preparation starting soon
A mural will be painted at the bottom of Bowen Street and The Terrace in the coming weeks, and prep work for the site will be underway. This area will be coned off during the work, so please take care along this work site.
Next steps in the new year
Following this work, we’ll be installing the final section of the route along Whitmore Street in the new year. Visit to see the full plans for this route.
Thank you again for your patience while we continue work on this route.
If you want to contact us about this project, you can email
Ngā mihi, City Design team, Wellington City Council
Submission: Thorndon Resident Association (TRA) submission to Traffic Resolution 134-22 Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to City Cycleway
This document is a general submission made on behalf of the Thorndon Residents Association (TRA). There are also more specific submissions made by the impacted Thorndon residents and businesses and visitor group (who’s position the TRA fully supports) and individual TRA members.
Breakdown of submissions at 28 July 2022:
Total submissions received: 638
Submissions made via online form: 622
Submissions made via email: 16
People who indicated that they would like to make an oral submission: 34
Note: 4 duplicate submissions – taking the total number in the consultation summary to 634

Committee to consider bus and bike improvements 11th August 2022
We wanted to let you know that Pūroro Āmua, our Planning and Environment Committee, will consider the bus and bike improvements planned between Botanic Garden ki Paekākā and the city and feedback received during the recent traffic resolution consultation at a meeting this coming Thursday 11 August. The Zoom meeting is due to start at 9.30am. The paper about route is towards the end of the agenda.
You can watch the meeting live on Thursday on the Council’s YouTube channel or view the recording on this channel later.
Here is the agenda for the meeting.
You can read the TR134-22 Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to City Bike and Bus Improvements Traffic Resolution Committee report.
The consultation summary document can be found from page 23 of the pdf.
A report showing responses to the main themes submitters raised beings at page 79 of the pdf.
The minutes outlining what the Councillors and Mayor decide will be added to this web page a few days after the meeting.
On the 11th August 2022 WCC’s Planning and Environment Committee decided to adopt the cycleway plan for Tinakori Rd to Whitmore St, the only amendment being that the clearway on the downhill side of Tinakori Rd will be from 7AM-10AM not 7AM-9AM. The 10 minute park outside the dairy will be removed. A motion by Councillor Young to have a clearway uphill on Tinakori Rd was defeated, so all parking on that side of the road will be removed. Councillor Young’s vote was the only vote against the overall plan.
This experiment will run for 2 years. Suggestions for changes can be made within that time. More immediate consequences, ideally supported by facts and figures, could be presented to Council with requests for change to these transitional arrangements.
The next Thorndon streets to have separated cycle lanes designs prepared for them are Molesworth, Mulgrave and Murphy Streets.
The considerable efforts and contributions of the Thorndon community were acknowledged by the Chair. A full recording of the meeting is here:
This WCC page announced the decision