Become a member of the Thorndon Residents Association
We welcome any person, household or business, living, owning or operating in the Thorndon area. To become a member of the TRA please complete the form below and deposit the applicable subscription fee.
Help us to Help the Thorndon Community
The TRA is a registered charity (CC40743) and all donations are gratefully received – ANZ Account 01 0505 0380782 00 (please use your surname and address as the reference).
Subscription Fee
$15 per member, $30 per household ( annual subscription period ends 31 March ).
For online banking our ANZ Account is 01 0505 0380782 00
(Please use surname and address as the Reference/Particular).
Any questions, please email
Donations are also welcomed. Your donation is tax deductible, TRA Incorporated Society: No. 2174304.