We are an incorporated society established in 2008 by a group of concerned citizens. We saw the need for an active and effective body to communicate and help Thorndon residents to express their collective views to local authorities and similar community entities.
Our Vision / Rules for Thorndon Residents’ Association Inc.
The Association shall be operated on a non-profit basis with the following objectives and aims:
- To improve amenities and facilities in Thorndon for Thorndon residents;
- To encourage a sense of community within Thorndon;
- To provide an information service about Thorndon;
- To represent and communicate the majority views of Thorndon residents about matters
affecting Thorndon to any local authority, Government Department or similar body; - To co-operate with any other Associations, groups, bodies, local or civic authorities
having the same objectives, including The Thorndon Society.
Click here to open and download the complete Rules of the TRA document.

Projects & Portfolios
The Thorndon Residents’ Association Committee has established the following portfolios. These groups meet as required. Each group is led by a member of the main Committee but other group members need not be members of the main Committee.
Community Facilities
- Bringing more community activities, classes and events to Thorndon
- Working with the WCC to make improvements to the Thorndon Community Facilities
- Facilitate a sense of Community within Thorndon
Community Safety & Graffiti
- You may have noticed the dramatic increase in graffiti in Thorndon of late. The TRA Committee has been on the case and has plotted graffiti sites on a public google map.
Traffic and Parking
- Pedestrian safety
- Traffic in and around Thorndon village, schools, community facilities etc
- Parking, resident parking zones, parking time limits, commuters
Planning and Environment
- Submissions on proposed WCC district plan changes
- Seeking information on any new building proposals
- Character zone
- Planning changes