Land use consent is sought for the installation and operation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at 20 locations across Wellington City. This includes retrospective consent for chargers which have already been installed at two locations.
A resource consent application for installation of EV chargers at 26 Murphy Street (Thorndon Pool) has been notified. If you have any questions contact Monique Zorn .
The installation of the proposed EV chargers’ forms part of a city-wide WCC initiative to provide more EV chargers in response to the increasing demands for and of EVs. EVs are a growing presence in the city and the number of charging facilities needs to keep up with this increasing demand. As part of the city-wide change, WCC is planning to deliver 60 22.5 kW fast chargers across the city over the next four years to enable more people to access EV charging facilities. Many people do not have off-street parking available to them, so will need publicly accessible chargers. This change is in accordance with WCC’s Te Atakura Implementation Plan and Parking Policy, which allows for vehicles to park for 120 minutes at a time.
Wellington City Council
05 March 2024