IMG_5337A year on, and yet another serious car accident has occurred outside #58 and #60 Hobson St.

Just after 9PM this evening a parked car was side-swipped so violently that it was shunted completely out of the marked parking space, and jumped onto the curb and into a concrete power pole.

The parked vehicle was extensively damaged on both sides; from the impacted area on its carriage-way side, as well as being seriously damaged on the left side where it had been shunted against the curb and concrete pole.

The culprit disappeared, even before neighbours arrived on the scene after leaping out of their homes to investigate the cause of the noisy incident.
In the past year residents have experienced damage (less serious than tonights) to their vehicles parked in the same vicinity. A year ago there was a serious incident when a vehicle left the road and wrecked the front fence and carport at #62.

There is an issue with dangerous driving and speeding along Hobson St.