Looking for something to do with your baby or toddler on Monday 9.30 – 11.30? Then why not come to playgroup!
· Pipitea Playgroup is a relaxed, parent-run group that meets every Monday during school term in the Brian Davis Room next to St Paul’s Cathedral (entrance on Hill St).
· We have a wide range of indoor and outdoor toys for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, and activities including painting, craft, playdough and a sandpit. Morning tea is provided for children and adults, and we do songs and rhymes at the end of the session.
· It’s a great way for your child to socialise and make friends, and for you to meet other friendly mums, dads, caregivers and nannies from your area.
· Only $20 per term (children under 1 are free with an older sibling), or $3 for a casual session.
· Interested? Then phone Bridget on 472 6864 or 021508448 for enrolment details or feel free to just come along to a session.