Plans for the 2 bike routes, Newtown to the City and Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to the City are now live on the Transport Projects website. The link for Newtown is here, and for Botanic Garden is here.
For these two particular routes Wellington City Council are working in a slightly different way to their normal process on previous projects. Once the routes are installed, they will get feedback via a survey on how these interim routes are going on the ground and being used, as this will enable them to make tweaks to the route based on the feedback given. Wellington City Council appreciate this is a different way of working, which is why we’d like to keep you informed as the project progresses.
WCC will also be holding a webinar to present the design of the routes and discuss these in more detail on Tuesday March 15th at 7:30pm. If you would like to sign up you can follow the link here.
Bri Peters